Saturday, August 30, 2014

Social Smiles!

It's not just gas!

3 weeks, 5 days

As we adjust to our new normal, it has become difficult to perform 2 handed tasks, or to use any electronic device other than my phone, so I apologize for my lack of updates. Ideally, I was going to keep up with weekly updates, but I've learned not to set expectations like that! So, posts will be sporadic. Some might be long, while others may be merely a sentence or so long. Max is changing so much already, and I worry that I'll forget, so these short posts will be fun to look back on his progress when I get out of the new parent fog!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet Max

Maxwell Jacob Lorenz arrived on August 4th, 2014 at 8:36am.  He weighed in at 8lbs 2oz, and 21 inches long!  His head circumference was 14 inches.  I will post his birth story later, but right now I need to go snuggle my little Max.