This week, I'm getting a taste of what it might be like to be a single working mother. Well, a single working mother who knows that she only needs to endure this for 4 days...
Luke is out of town (lucky guy is travelling through Florida and Georgia), so this is the first time I have had to be 100% responsible for the well-being and life of my child while working. Luke travelled once before since Maxwell was born, but that was back when Max was only about 6 weeks old. At that point in his life, I could place him on a blanket on the floor or on his play mat, leave the room for a couple minutes, and expect him to have not squirmed off the blanket. Now, I can't leave the little man alone for more than 30 seconds before he's getting himself into trouble! Back in September, we spent hours cuddling on the couch, still getting the hang of nursing and learning about each other. I had Netflix on constantly, and made it through more seasons (plural!) of Sons of Anarchy during those 4 days than I would like to admit... I could make dinner easily, and eat over him as he ate and slept. I was home all day, so I didn't have to get ready for anything. I never had to put on real clothes and make myself look presentable, and a quick trip to Target for some real-world experiences and a decaf latte didn't require any more energy than the brain power it cost to dress myself in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. This time around? Definitely not so easy.
I wish I had done a post like this back during those first 6 weeks. The days of my maternity leave have gotten pretty hazy, and I regret not writing down more.
A day in the life
The 5am-7am edition
5am- Alarm goes off. Max had finally just fallen back to sleep about 20 minutes ago after 30 minutes of attempting to get comfortable. He used to be a log, and not move from the moment we brought him upstairs to the moment it was time to get up. As long as he was right at the boob, he'd stir enough to get me to help him latch, and then he snack and fall back to sleep. Now? He flops all over the place and whines in his sleep. I try to offer the boob, but he refuses. Sometimes the paci helps. Sometimes, he just wants to sit up, and then lay sideways on my stomach. Maybe tomorrow he'll sleep through the night.
5:05- Head downstairs, make sure the coffee pot is ready to brew, turn on sound machine and soothing projector light. Change Max's diaper if there wasn't a middle of the night diaper change.
5:10- Make sure pump is ready- grab parts if they are still on the drying rack. Begin pumping. Start the 20 minute countdown.
5:11-5:31- Pump while simultaneously nursing Max from the other side. Hope that he falls back into a deep sleep (at least long enough to let me have enough time to get ready, please?!). Max has picked up a new habit of attempting to kick the pump off my breast. Hope that I don't spill any milk. Suffer through silent jealousy as I hear Luke wake up and get out of bed to shower at about 5:20/5:30. That extra half hour of sleep would be amazing...
5:31- Release myself from the pump, and (on a good morning) lay Max in the crib. This should buy me at least 10-20 minutes before he wakes up.
**If Max is awake, I do the following with one arm/hand until Luke gets out of the bathroom**
5:32- Clean up pump parts, put milk in fridge, pull out lunches, make sure the coffee is actually brewing, double check bottles for the day, pull out pouches/containers of solids for my mom to feed Max.
5:45- Run upstairs to get dressed, find clean clothes pile, make sure there is no spit up/poop/drool on the outfit. Look in the mirror, sigh at my soft mom belly, decide that I hate every piece of clothing I own (nothing does anything to help the pouch look better), but realize that I have no time to change, or anything better to change into. Maybe I should rejoin Weight Watchers next week... they are adaptable for nursing mothers... maybe next week.
**If I have Max, usually I plop him in front of the sliding mirrors in the bedroom so that he can flirt with himself. It's a race to see if I can get dressed before he becomes interested in trying to fling himself down the stairs. I dance like a crazy person while getting dressed to help keep him entertained**
5:55- Brush teeth, throw hair into a ponytail, put on deodorant, decide I look acceptable, and wonder if there will ever be a day that I wear make-up to work again.
5:57- Mom will be here within 5 minutes. Within 5 minutes, I need to be ready to quietly, but sternly tell the dogs to shut the hell up. Every.Single.Morning. They know that my mom is coming. I think the anticipation makes their excitement even worse.
5:58- Dogs THINK that they hear her car pull up. Kale woofs, Lucy woofs and books it to the front window. Tell the dogs to get back, come get a treat. Wonder if a shock collar would work to keep them from barking. Remind myself that I do not agree with shock collars and would judge the ever-loving shit out of myself if I ever tried to use one on my dogs.
6:03- Mom actually pulls up in front of the house. Luke has got the dogs calmed down enough, we use our bodies to physically block the dogs from charging and and knocking over my mom out of excitement and love. Remind mom to bend her knees! Perhaps we should get them back into obedience classes... who am I kidding... there's no time!
6:05- Mom is settled in and the dogs have calmed down enough to finish their breakfast.
**If Max wasn't up already, this is about the time we hear him start to cry**
6:05:30- Go into Max's room, and can't help but smile when I see that he's pulled himself up using the crib rails, and is waiting for one of us to come get him. Pick up his warm little body, give him a few quick kisses and head to the kitchen.
6:09- Chat with mom about the weather, traffic, how Max slept that night, interesting gossipy tidbits from the family while making sure I have my entire lunch, have my pump parts packed in my tote bag, and pour coffee. I should buy a larger thermos... I'll probably end up stopping at the gas station to get another coffee to make it through the day.
6:15- Make sure mom has everything she needs to get her through the day- show her the solids she can give him.
6:20- head out the door. Stop. Where's my god damn phone? Every single freaking day. Oh, it's in my pocket. Or in my pumping tote. Or in my work bag. Got it! Run out to the car, and start the commute to work, listen to KDWB like I have been since 2009 (I'm a teacher- I should listen to something more educational. I like MPR, but it's too early to use my brain...)
6:55- Stop at gas station for coffee... and who am I kidding, I'll grab a donut. This is why I'm a bit squishy in the middle. Blerg. But I'm so dang hungry.
7:00- Arrive at school, go into my room, lock the door, pump for 30 minutes, get ready to start my day.