Tuesday, March 17, 2015

7 months, 2 weeks

Every once and awhile, I struggle.  Today, I felt as though I have broken my child.  Luke made a comment about how we need to figure out a way to get Max to nap without either nursing or a bottle.  I don't know what else he tried, but it made me wonder if I have damaged my child's ability to sleep?  Max then nursed to sleep (I felt a tinge of guilt the whole time), and I felt the need to prove that he didn't need to sleep on me.  Of course, as soon as I put him down in the crib, he woke up and wanted to cuddle.  I cried silently while he snuggled, thinking over whether or not I've made bad parenting choices for the last 7.5 months.  After having a good sob, I realized that I've done the best I can, and that's exactly what Max needs.

No, Max may not sleep in his crib for more than 4 hours in a night. I may bring him into bed when he wakes up after 10pm. Max gets to nurse whenever he wants, and naps the best on one of us.  He might use my boob as his lovey, but none of this is going to be long lasting.

Over this week, Max has started adding more and more ounces of solids to his daily routine!  On average, he is sucking down between 7-9.5 ounces of solid food a day.  He went from not really caring whether or not he ate anything other than breastmilk to going absolutely nuts over it.  He tried greek yogurt mixed with apple/strawberry/beets, and gave us a lovely surprise in his diaper (who would have known that beets would cause his poop to come out bright red!). He also enjoys the broccoli/pears/peas combo pouch. Tonight, he tried a couple smushed black beans, and really liked them.  It's been fun to let him try tastes of the foods we have on our plates at dinner time!

Anyway, that's about all I have for this week.  My night school is on spring break, so I quick threw this all together, so I apologize for how out of sorts this post is.  It more of an emotional dump....

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