What he's doing now:
- Pointing to lights and going aaaa--iieeeeeeee!
- High pitched shrieking (for fun)
- Temper tantrums when we tell him "no" or we take something away from him
- Playing chase with the dogs
- Eating lots of big people food! He LOVES grapes. He will eat pretty much any meat we put in front of him. He's not the biggest fan of mashed potatoes. He also doesn't like pureed vegetables, but will eat them as a combo pouch meal. Yogurt and cheese are also big hits in the Lorenz household.
- Flipping over his walker and spinning all the wheels as they are up in the air
- Sharing his food with the dogs from his highchair
- Knocking over any tower we build
- Sliding and pushing around the dog dishes
- Crawling full speed to get to where he so desires
- He can stand unassisted, and even took a step! We think he'll be walking pretty soon.
- Likes interacting with other babies. He doesn't do a lot of baby socialization during the week, so I've been scheduling baby playdates at least a couple times a month so that he has a chance to engage and interact with kids around his age.
- Splashing during bath time!
- Smiling. He is such a happy baby.
- Falls asleep pretty consistently in his car seat. For those of you who remember what it used to be like for the first 6 months, it's really really nice to not have a screaming baby for the majority of a car ride. He's able to entertain himself more with the few toys we hand him in the backseat.
- Loves having books read to him (especially Little Blue Truck, and Curious Kittens)
- Playing by himself
- Grabbing his penis as soon as the diaper is removed. This kid is definitely a boy.
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