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This was at 35.5 weeks- I was feeling huge! |
How far along? How in the world am I down to less than a month before our little guy arrives? I'm at 36 weeks today, and provided that I go into labor by my due date, I've got 28 days or less left before we become a family of three.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure this week.
Maternity clothes? I'm glad that my maternity clothes still fit! I wear a lot of dresses, and athletic shorts w/tank tops these days, and I am happy that I don't need to figure out appropriate outfits for work. Since it's been so hot, I do spend a lot of time walking around the house in shorts and a sports bra (sorry neighbors...).
Stretch marks? I'm still in the clear... knocking on wood though.
Symptoms: This week I get to take heartburn OFF the list, but I can add round ligament pain again. Difficulty sleeping, stiff lower back, shortness of breath, occasional light-headedness, swelling with the heat, hands and feet fall asleep easily. How do some people get all the way to the end of their pregnancy without even knowing that they are pregnant?? Weren't they wondering what the alien-like gas pains were caused by?
Sleep: I'm starting to overheat again at night, but that might just be because it's been hot and humid the last few nights. I still get up 1-2x per night to pee, but I can usually fall back to sleep pretty easily. I'm also grateful that I am on summer break, so I can take naps when needed because 3rd trimester exhaustion really is taking a toll.
Best moment this week: Getting most of the nursery done. I am just waiting on some packages to arrive from amazon this week to get the changing station all ready, but then Little Man's room should be ready for him whenever he decides to show up! We also picked a pediatrician, so that's a load off our shoulders.
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I've been storing everything that needs to go in the hospital bags in his crib for safe keeping from the puppies, so that's why you can see the diaper bag, and nursing bras through the slats. |
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Don't mind the mess on the dresser- this is where the changing station will be (eventually), but this was more to show the items on the wall. |
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows, and the whole world can tell.
Miss Anything? Same as last week: Not having a baby butt shoved up in my rib. I've also started to miss wine and trying out different beers. Luke ordered the beer I would have gotten at The Happy Gnome this past weekend, and I was jealous! I'm looking foward to that first drink after I've got breastfeeding established.
Movement: The movement is getting more and more uncomfortable, and sometimes I yell at him to get out of my ribs, but I'll endure it as long as it helps me know that he's okay in there.
Food cravings: Still no craving. Lamest pregnant lady ever.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Appetite is generally still pretty low. I prefer to snack on fruit/popsicles and graze throughout the day, rather than eat a normal meal.
Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day!
Baby is a: BOY
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? I am officially ringless. I can still fit them over my fingers, but I worry that with the heat and humidity, there will be a day where there is no going back, and the idea of the rings being stuck freaks me out!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy (I'm glad that this answer hasn't really changed much over the last 9 months).
Looking forward to: Tomorrow's hospital tour, and my 36 week appointment on Thursday. While I'm not looking forward to the discomfort of an internal exam, I am curious as to if I'm starting to dilate at all.
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