Monday, July 21, 2014

13 days to go!

How far along? Made it to 38 weeks!  Sometimes I feel like I'm not getting much bigger, but then I when I compare the bare belly to last week, there is definitely growth still going on!  The shape of my bump has changed a bit- it seems to be getting rounder and more outward now.
Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out next week.

Maternity clothes? Most days I walk around in athletic shorts and a sports bra, unless I am going somewhere that requires getting dressed.  My shirts are starting to get a little short, but they still work.

Stretch marks? Still no surprises.

Symptoms:  I'm starting to lose my mucus plug.  If you don't know what that is, I do NOT recommend doing a google image search.  It's gross, and it can regenerate.  While this is not necessarily a sign of impending labor, I'm just glad to see a sign of something happening. 

Sleep: I'm starting to dread bedtime.  I know that I will have difficulty falling and staying asleep.  I dread having to get up out of bed to go pee.  Half the time I trip over a dog, so that startles me, and makes me more awake, making getting back to sleep harder.  Also, the heat has not helped, so until we are out of the heatwave, I think Luke and I are going to move downstairs to sleep in the cooler part of the house.

Best moment this week: One of my closest friends had her baby on Saturday!  I got to meet and snuggle the perfect little guy today, and I am now even more impatient than ever to meet my baby.  I am so happy for her.  She struggled with PCOS, and had planned on eventually adopting a child, but then she got pregnant with her miracle baby just a couple weeks before I did!  I've been so grateful to share this experience along with her.

Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows, and the whole world can tell.

Miss Anything? Being able to bend over.

Movement: He definitely likes to remind me that he's there :)

Food cravings: Maybe I'll get post-pregnancy cravings?

Anything making you queasy or sick:  I'm in a phase where I don't really want to put out the effort to eat, and carbs and fruits are the things I can eat consistently. 

Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day!

Baby is a: BOY

Belly Button in or out? Still in
, but it's pretty flat.  If I push my gut out as far as I can, I can see a little mound poke out from the belly button.

Wedding rings on or off? The rings are off until after the little guy gets here.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy, but I can lose my patience pretty quickly.

Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Thursday.

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