Monday, May 5, 2014


 Happy Cinco de Mayo!  I should have gotten a virgin margarita somewhere this afternoon to celebrate, but it completely slipped my mind.

How far along?  27 weeks!  This kid is the size of a rutabaga and apparently is working on practice breathing.  His lungs are developing as well.
Total weight gain/loss: After my glucose tolerance test, I was up 16 lbs from my very first visit.

Maternity clothes?  If it was appropriate, I would wear stretchy pants for the rest of my life.

Stretch marks?

Symptoms: This week there has been hip and lower back pain when I don't sit to rest frequently.

Sleep: I bit the bullet and bought a snoogle.  I thought that they were ridiculously overpriced body pillows, but after trying my regular pillow, boppy, and other pillow arrangements, I broke down and purchased it.  So far it's been a good investment.

Best moment this week: Having a stranger comment on my pregnancy. The cashier at Target was the first person to ask me about it, and I was excited to talk with her about it.  She was just so gosh darn cheery!  I also really liked that Lucy decided to use my belly as a pillow last night... too sweet.


Have you told family and friends:
Everyone knows.

Miss Anything? Soaking in the hot tub.  I think it would feel amazing on my sore hips/back.

Movement: I'm starting to figure out his active periods- definitely in the morning when I am just about to get out of bed and the drive into work, right after lunch, and in the evening after dinner.

Food cravings: Still no cravings, but if you get in the way of my cupcake, I might bite off your hand.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  I really don't like the idea of eating chicken.  Blech.

Have you started to show yet: The belly's getting bigger!

Baby is a: BOY

Belly Button in or out?
Still in.

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.

Looking forward to: Luke coming home on Friday from his work trip!

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