Wednesday, April 30, 2014

All the cupcakes!

Yesterday was the dreaded gestational diabetes glucose test.  I've heard a lot of ladies complain about having to gulp down the super sugary drink, and some have mentioned getting sick from all the sweetness, so I was a bit anxious about it.  Turns out, it really wasn't bad at all!

My OB clinic does a glucose testing session, so there were about 10 other women also getting tested at the same time as me.  Since we have to stay there for an hour anyway, they provide a 3rd trimester class that goes over hospital pre-registration, and what's in store for us over the last third of our pregnancies.  Before the class started, I had to have a urine test done, weight, blood pressure, and pulse checked, and then I chugged the fruit punch flavored drink (it tasted like flat Tahitian Treat).  Since I only weigh myself at the doctors, I found out that I gained about 2lbs over the last 4 weeks, putting me up to about 16lbs over all. Only one more trimester of weight gain!

Anyway, after all the initial tests were done, we all went into the class and got a lot of good information regarding pre-term labor, and what to do when you do actually go into labor (such as who to call, where to go, etc.).  While I definitely have my "oh shit!" moments, I'm starting to feel pretty prepared for this baby, and I certainly welcome the additional knowledge I can gain through these kinds of sessions.  We all walked away with swag bags (yay for free stuff- it was a bag put together by Similac, so it had a few containers of powdered infant formula, 4 bottles of pre-made supplemental formula, coupons, prenatal samples, and it all came in an adorable reusable tote bag!).

After an hour, I had to go back to get my finger pricked, and fortunately they gave me my results right away (I know lots of people who had to wait days to find out what their glucose levels were).  I walked out of there knowing that my levels were good (NO gestational diabetes!), and my hemoglobin was looking good, too!  Now I don't feel as guilty when I indulge in a cupcake... or six... since I know my body is processing sugars the way it's supposed to.

The last thing I had to do was a quick 10 minute visit with my OB.  She checked the fundal height, and listened for the heartbeat.  I had to laugh a bit, because as soon as she pressed the doppler's wand to my abdomen, the baby kicked the exact spot, and not only could I feel it, I could hear the kick through the doppler!  He must have used it as a launch pad, because then she struggled to find his heartbeat for a moment due to the fact that he went and hid himself as far to my left as he could instead of being centered like he was just before she broke out the doppler.  Once she did find it, his heart rate was still ranging between 155-160 bpm (that's been pretty consistent the whole pregnancy).  Even though I feel him moving all.the.time, it's always nice to hear that lovely beat again!

Since you made it through this whole post, I'll leave you with a bump picture from today.  I know I just updated 2 days ago, but I feel like he's going through a growth spurt (and I am also happy that I now fit into the maternity shirt I bought awhile back)!

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