Our exciting news for the week is that we found out that we are expecting a little boy! Knowing that we'll have a son in a handful of short months has been one of the most exciting parts of the pregnancy so far. I feel as though it helps both of us bond more with our growing child. Even the simple change from "it" to "he" makes him feel that more real, and more permanent than before.
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Boys require bow ties. This is a fact. |
How far along? 21 weeks- He's apparently pomegranate sized this week.
Total weight gain/loss: Unsure
Maternity clothes? As much as I can. I have a pair of jeans and one pair of workpants that I can still squeeze into with the help from a belly band, but I don't think that they'll last much longer.
Stretch marks? Nope
Symptoms: All of the movement, and extreme thirst.
Sleep: I'm started to get more uncomfortable, but it's been okay so far. Still just one nightly wake-up to go to the bathroom, but there are some nights that I sleep straight through!
Best moment this week: Finding out that our baby is a boy! We would have been happy with a girl, but when Luke and I started out talking about kids, we always said how much we would love to have a boy first. It's nice that things are going our way.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows.
Miss Anything? Real coffee today. I was exhausted and could have used a caffeine IV drip.
Movement: My favorite part of pregnancy so far. The other night was fun, because as I way on the couch, I realized that if I poked baby, he would either flop around or kick back. I like that I can interact with him more.
Food cravings: Water this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dishes with too much meat.
Have you started to show yet: People are definitely starting to notice.
Baby is a: BOY
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Luke finally feeling him move!
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