Sunday, July 14, 2013

Scary weekend (a bit TMI)

I had some bright red bleeding on Friday night (~6 weeks, 2 days along).  Freaked the hell out of me.  I was at the cabin, and went to the bathroom to find that I had bled through my underwear and shorts a little. I had to ask a girlfriend to drive me to the gas station to get pads since I knew that I wasn't supposed to use tampons (Luke was slightly intoxicated and my friend's car was the most convenient to use).  I cried for a good chunk of that night (Luke and Kaitlin were awesome at supporting me the rest of the weekend).  I'm still crying on and off.

I think it's spotting, but what the hell do I know?  I talked to the on-call doctor, and she talked me down a bit, and over the last 48 hours, it's ran the course of several different shades of red, but it's never resembled a period.  I'm scared. Upset. Hopeful.  I hope that when I call the doctor tomorrow, they let me come in for an early ultrasound so I can have some piece of mind no matter the outcome.

The (not-so) funny thing is that I was starting to really experience some morning/afternoon sickness while driving home today, so if this baby doesn't stick, nature is playing a cruel, cruel joke on me.

Prayers that everything works out okay :(

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