This past week was Thanksgiving break, and I was grateful to be able to spend 6 glorious days off of work with my most favorite people. On Thanksgiving, my cousins were able to meet Max for the first time, and he spent a lot of the day in the arms of his doting Kleinberg Aunties. I love seeing them interact with Max, and that they love him just as much as we do. He did such a great job being passed around from person to person, while not really getting much of a nap in during the afternoon. Poor little bug also didn't get to really nap when we got to Luke's parents' house, but we did get about an hour of resting time while we were there. His cousin, Lily, has been super sweet with her baby cousin, so hopefully that is a good sign for how she will interact with her still-baking little sister (due mid-February). She loves to be helpful while he gets his diaper changed, and tells me that the baby is hungry when she sees me nursing Max. She'll sing songs, and read books to him. On Thanksgiving, Max spent a good 15 minutes watching Lily run up and down the hall, and she cheered ("Yaaaaay, Mawksh!") when he almost rolled over. Seeing little ones interact in that way gets me excited for the day that we are able to give Max a little sibling- knowing that he'll have a live-in friend, someone to get into trouble with, someone to support emotionally, and protect as the big brother. I get teary-eyed thinking about having to split my love and attention between two kids, but I know that I will be even more surprised by how much my love for my family will grow.

It really is amazing how much can change with infants just over the course of a week. During my time home with Maxwell, he became an expert at rolling from his back to his belly (he's been rolling from belly to back since he was about 2.5 months old), he reaches for things that he wants, he has found his tongue, and he has discovered his voice!
I have been watching Max try to master the skill of rolling from back to belly over the last couple of weeks. He would always get SO close, but his arm kept getting in the way. To finally have that moment where everything clicked was incredible. The look of pride and excitement on his face was priceless. He now has the ability to choose if he wants to be on his back, or if he'd like to be on his stomach. While the motion is still a bit choppy, he's getting better and better at it every day.

He's also realized that he can choose to reach out and grab for specific items. He loves the new Comotomo teether, and the Manhattan Winkel Ball we got for him this past week, and will reach out for them when he sees them. He also routinely reaches out for Lucy and Kale, and when we bring him near, he'll pet them.
Max has also discovered that he can stick his tongue out and move it around outside of his mouth. His big smiles usually include the tongue sticking out, but it would typically stay in one place. Now he has realized that he can lick at the collar of his shirt, and stick it out as far as it can go. What makes it especially fun is that if you stick your tongue out at Max, he'll smile and then start sticking his tongue out as well. I didn't realize how much babies mimic things at such a young age!
I love how vocal my little man has become. Before, when he was starting to make noises, it would be a moment of slight panic, because the noises usually meant that it was time to eat, and that there was only a short amount of time before he would be full out screaming for food. Now when the sounds start coming out of his mouth, he is typically talking to one of us, a dog, or his toys. I adore his raspy little baby voice as he coos and laughs. It's fun to "talk" back to him by mimicking his sounds. He gets the biggest grin on his face and it often times encourages him to talk even more.
Maxwell completely melts my heart, and even though his sleeping pattern has been a bit worse for wear, I forget about how utterly exhausted I am, as I am overcome with this deep love that I never could have imagined feeling for someone who has been in my life for such a short amount of time.
Next week, I should be able to update with how his 4 month appointment went! I'm excited to see how much he's grown over the last two months (though I'll probably take his shots worse than he does...)!
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