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34 weeks vs. 29 weeks |

I'm not going to lie- this is the week that kind of freaks me out. If I remember correctly, it was during this week of my sister-in-law's pregnancy, she gave birth to my wonderful neice, Lily. She had a relatively short NICU stay for being 6 weeks early, and was a fighter the whole time. I was able to see how well the NICU nurses cared for her and her parents, but I would rather not have that same experience with my little guy. Luke and I discussed it, and have told the baby that he is not allowed to vacate the womb any earlier than July 11. That would put him at over 37 weeks (considered full-term), and Luke would be done with all of his travel for work. Crazy to think that we are now chatting about exit strategies and hospital bags!
Total weight gain/loss: I go in on Wednesday.
Maternity clothes? Now that I am on summer break, I am getting away with just wearing my kirkland tank tops (they are the best!), and some sort of maternity bottoms (shorts/capri yoga pants) or my regular athletic shorts. I am also loving my maxi dresses!
Stretch marks? Still waiting for the day I wake up and it looks like the kid is trying to claw his way out.
Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, stiff lower back, shortness of breath, occasional light-headedness, swelling with the heat.
Sleep: The last two nights have been awful. I'm glad that I'm on summer break, so I have the chance to nap during the day, but I can't seem to get comfortable anymore. My snoogle makes things much more tolerable, but all I want to do is sleep on my back, and that makes me feel sick now! I think I'll try positioning the pillows and snoogle so I can attempt to sleep at an incline tomorrow night and see if that helps.
Best moment this week: Since I didn't get in my usual post last week, I'm going to include my sister's wedding into this week's best moment. Lauren (sister #2) got hitched to my new brother-in-law, Chris on June 14th, and everything was awesome. I also fit into my dress, so that was super exciting :)
Another best moment this week had to do with strangers wanting to help me out now- people are so nice to pregnant ladies! One older lady beat me to the door at Starbucks and said, "Let me help you with the door," as I was reaching to hold it for her. And yesterday, I met up with Zibby, Lauren, and Chris at Psycho Suzi's where if you are on the patio, you go get your own water. I wasn't aware of that right away, so when I ordered an OJ and water, the server pointed it out to me but said, "I'll get it for you though- I make an exception for pregnant ladies and people who are handicapped," which led to us joking about how being pregnant can definitely be a mental handicap because pregnancy brain is no joke!
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows, and the whole world can tell.
Miss Anything? Being able to sit comfortably in the same position for longer periods of time. I'm always shifting and groaning. I also miss being able to bend over to grab things without feeling like I might never be able to accomplish the task. The last thing I miss right now is the ability to balance my laptop on my thighs/stomach. Baby Lorenz doesn't really care for it when the laptop gets in his way, and he kicks at it until I move it.
Movement: We get little hiccups a lot now, and we roll around in the morning, after lunch, and right before bed. I love that I can find his little butt (or at least I tell him it better be his butt and not his head, because I'd rather him still be head down, and not breech!).
Food cravings: Still no cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Shrimp and fish do not sound appetizing at all. Which makes me sad, because I love fish and chips.
Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day!
Baby is a: BOY
Belly Button in or out? I don't think it's ever going to pop. Maybe just flatten in the last 6 weeks.
Wedding rings on or off? I'm just wearing my wedding band now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Making burp cloths! I finally got the itch to sew something for the baby, so I picked up some adorable fabric and will work on them this week while Luke is backpacking in the Grand Tetons. I'm also looking forward to a prenatal massage this week.
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