Thursday, February 6, 2014


When I turned on my phone after school today, I saw that I had a voicemail, and I had a feeling that it would be the OB office.  Well, my gut was right, and they were calling to let me know the results of the NT scan.  Over the last few days, I haven't really given the test a second thought (we're young, healthy, no immediate family history of trisomy 18 or Down Syndrome), but my heart did start to beat faster when I realized that this information could potentially have some life-impacting decision making attached to it.

I felt immediate relief when I realized that the voice on the message was not my doctor (usually the doctor calls with news that needs immediate attention), but was instead one of the nurses.  She explained that my NT scan came back in the normal ranges for both syndromes.  The NT scan does not give positive or negative results, just a risk factor.  Our chances of having a baby with either Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18 is 1 in 10,000, which is the best risk factor you can get with this type of testing!

So, everything is looking good so far.  There is still a part in the back of my mind that is just waiting for the bad news to happen, so to have everything going so smoothly this time around is definitely welcomed :)

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