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Don't mind my super grimy mirror... I should clean it someday! |
Total weight gain/loss: New weigh in will be on Thursday.
Maternity clothes? Still just using the belly band + a couple pairs of maternity pants. I ordered a bunch of maternity dresses and tank tops online, so hopefully some of them work for when it starts getting warmer out!
Stretch marks? No
Symptoms: Le tired. Starting to become more irritable. Still hungry.
Sleep: I'm still usually in bed with the lights out by 9pm, and can't seem to sleep in past 8am on the weekends. Though, lately Lucy has been the reason behind my lack of sleep. She gets in bed, gets to hot, jumps out of bed, and wakes us up to be invited in again later. Rinse. Repeat.
Best moment this week: Deciding that we're going to go on a beach spring break vacation next year with the baby. We're not sure where yet, but we're going to go somewhere!
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? Nothing this week.
Movement: Still feeling the little flutters and a bit of rolling. Happens most frequently while I am driving.
Food cravings: Apples, Cheese, Pickles, sweets. Today, I am dying for some doritos...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still ham.
Have you started to show yet: After I took today's picture, I noticed that my belly is definitely starting to protrude past my chest.
Baby is a: ??
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Goodness, I was crabby today. I can be having a fine day, but then something stresses me out, and I do a complete 180. I hate being so all over the place currently.
Looking forward to: Still can't wait for the anatomy scan ultrasound on 3/19!