**Disclaimer- These products were provided to me for free, and the comments and reviews are my own**
In the box were some great, full-sized products for my little family to try out, and I am happy to report that we really did like the majority of the products we tested!
OreIda- I am a true Minnesotan when it comes to my potato products. I love love love Tator Tot Hotdish, and the OreIda brand tots worked perfectly to create this dinner favorite. My favorite part of this product is how easy they are to cook, and how they crisp up without becoming over-done. In the past, I have purchased store brand tator tots and they never get as crunchy as OreIda! I definitely have plans to make Totchos (Nachos with tots instead of chips) for dinner soon.
Uncle Ben's- I have not be able to use this coupon yet.
Dramamine with Ginger- I was unable to actually test out this product yet due to the fact that I am still breastfeeding my son. The box suggests to get a doctor's recommendation if pregnant or nursing before use. I am looking forward to giving it a try when we have our long car ride to Grand Marais in October and during our long flights to Hawaii this winter!