By 2pm today, I will have completed my last pumping session, and will officially retire my Medela PISA!
Since going back to work after my maternity leave this past October, I have made pumping a part off my daily routine. The 5am,7am,11:30am, and 2pm pumping sessions are coming to an end as I finish up my last day of work before summer break. By the time I start up again in August, Max will be 13 months and hopefully weaned from nursing (though I'd be okay with result morning and bedtime nursing sessions until he decides he's done).
I can't even fully express how excited I am to be able to just nurse on demand for the last couple months of his infanthood. I do have a decent supply built up in the freezer stash for the occasional Max-free date night, so I'm not going to worry anymore about making sure I bring my pump if I'm going to be gone 3-4 hours. I'll keep my hand pump in my bag for emergencies, but I'm starting to really prepare for the end of a journey that I never expected to love as much as I have.
Baby boy turns 10 months in just a couple of days, and we finally had our delayed 9 month well-child visit. As of last week, Max weighs 22.5lbs (86th percentile), and is 29.5" (80th percentile) long. I still find it crazy that my skinny little baby turned into quite the proportionate tank over the last couple of months!
I'm fairly certain that he's actually been directing "mama" to me when he says it. He is still giving me (and Grandmama) tons of kisses. I love that he's started to take my face in his hands and turn my face toward him to give me the kisses. Luke's been feeling a bit left out, but I remind him that it'll happen more often. Max has given Luke a few kisses, but he's not as free with them when he's around Luke for some reason. Babies are weird.
Max has also started to "answer the telephone." Grandmama taught him how to put the phone up to his ear and talk. I had no idea he could do it, until a couple of weeks ago, I gave him the little plastic phone, and he immediately put it up to his ear and started babbling!
This past weekend was a very social weekend for the Lorenz family. On Saturday, we met up with Penny (and Leslie) at the Children's Museum for a baby playdate. Max loved crawling around the HabiTot area, playing at the water table, and opening/shutting little cabinet doors. On Sunday, we met up with the Lupans for some fun at the Stillwater Art Fair. At one point, there wasn't a good spot to sit, so I successfully nursed Max while wearing him in the Kinderpack carrier, WHILE walking around the fair! I was super impressed with my super babywearing/nursing abilities :) Finally, on Monday, we met up with Xander and Cam at The Chatterbox Pub for dinner. Thank goodness it is a family-friendly restaurant. Our little screatcher was really into pointing out and talking to the lights in the ceiling, and was determined to have everyone hear him.
Tonight is my last official night of night school (I agreed to teach 4 nights in July), so I will have to find time to actually update over the summer. We'll have a lot of big milestones to cover, and I can't wait to share it with those few of you who read this little blog!
I am twenty-something mama (1 human child, and 2 fur children) and wife. I am also an educator for at-risk young adults, focusing on ELA and Reading Intervention.